the workshop

In the camps of Dakhla, I have taught the technique of the plastic bottles to 20 women.

Lala Samba

Betul Nava

Enguia Sidhamed

Sukkeïna Sidhamed

Warda Abdelfalh

Salembouha Mohamed

Lamira Bakri

Najma Mohamed

Mathu Sidha Ahmed

Cheah Bomba

Rhadija Abd Fetha

Sukkeïna Buseït

Minatu Brahim

Belha Ahmed

Maïmouna Sidi Ahmed

Hmeid Baï

Maïmouna Bobokar

Cheah Deihi

The workshop takes place in the Women's house.

Every morning and afternoon, Medhi, with his car, goes around the camp, which is really extended, to pick up the women participating in the workshop and drive them to the Women's house.
Few images of the women, taken during the workshop.

I quickly realise that most of the women are really motivated and work from home on their pieces of jewellery.

At the end of the three weeks we organise a small exhibition with the best works of all the women. Each of them is allocated a small area with her name to present her pieces of jewellery.

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