
Before to go to the camps, I make my own pieces of jewellery that I used there as examples of what is possible to do with the technique.

Here are the pieces produced by the women during the workshop:

Maïmouna SidiAhmed

Cheah Bomba

Rhadija Abd Feta

Najma Mohamed

Lala Samba

Betul Nava

Maïmouna Sidi Ahmed

Betul Nava

Mathu Sidha Ahmed

Cheah Bomba

Lala Samba

Belha Ahmed
I had the ambition to show, during the workshop, the big range of outcomes possible to get thanks to the technique with plastic bottles. Unfortunately, I was running out of time for that. Though, I have succeeded to make few things with the children of my host family: Salem and Sidha.

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